Monday, May 30, 2011

The Beginning?

I apologize if this doesn't publish right or if there are a few spelling errors. I'm testing whether or not I can access this with my iPhone.
After nasualatly creeping through blogs or clicking on a link I sent you/posted on Facebook, congrats. You found my blog. Whoop-Dee-Freakin-Doo. Well, actually, I'm kinda glad you're reading. (whoever "YOU" is...)
So I kind of explained my idea, but I'll... Finish? I dunno the right word. I'm making a bucket list... In a way. 100 things to do Before you DIE is a bit unpredictable, cause I mean.. Do you know when you're going to die? Exactly. So I decided to Pick a sooner age-16. And instead of 100 things, it's 616. (I didn't want to say 666 because then I'd end ip spitting on someone when I tell them about this.) hope that cleared everything up for you idiots who didn't read the "about me" crap.
I may change this to 18. I haven't decide whether or not to change it, so yeahhh. Just thought I'd let you random strangers know.
K, so I'm really tired. BYE.
Lauren <3

1 comment:

  1. ^ Awesome. Nice to see you ( Finally ) Have a blog up. :P
